Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wolf and I

On the scale of great days in the history of my lifetime, today ranks somewhere in between the Yankees winning it all in '96, and my wedding day.

For today I met an American Gladiator. Not just an American Gladiator...THE American Gladiator:


Yes, Wolf (real name Don Yates) came into our office for an interview. Turns out, he's from Peoria -- I live in Peoria! We're practically the same person! -- and my coworker Chelsea is currently grilling him in the conference room, which is a good thing, because if I were conducting the interview, it would sound like this: It says here you howl because you're a Wolf...Is that accurate? He was actually supposed to come in last week, at which point I immediately called my wife (she loves Wolf so much that I should actually be a little concerned), and she told me to make sure I told him that she thinks he is "the most bad-ass of all the Gladiators." She also told me to try and have Wolf call my brother-in-law, sign a few autographs, etc., etc. It was to be a regular Wolf field day, but alas, he had to cancel because he was taping an episode of "Deal or no Deal," obviously.

But today he came in. And I met him. I shook his hand, he got up to pose for a picture with me, and this ensued:

Me: Wow, man...it's great to meet you! We were just watching you on TV last night...

Wolf: (Smiling) Alright, alright, cool. (Poses for picture with me)

Me: My wife wanted me to tell you that she thinks you're the most bad-ass of all the Gladiators.

(Pause for pictures...click!)

Wolf: She's a smart woman.

(Awkward pause...)

Me: That's why I married her.

Shake his hand again..

Me: Thanks so much! Is was so great meeting you!

(End scene.)

Not surprisingly, I didn't have the courage -- or gall -- to ask Wolf to start making calls to various people on my cell phone. I was too nervous. I can't imagine how I would act if I ever met one of the Beatles. The verdict from Chelsea, and from my own experience, is that Wolf is a nice guy, who is polite, but gets to the point. But what more could you expect...

He's freakin' Wolf!

Ed. Note: We differed on hand gestures. His was better.
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