Monday, November 3, 2008

Theme change: different stuff, coming soon!

The nice thing about having a blog called “So, do you like…stuff?” is that it enables me to write about pretty much anything.

Sure, since its inception over four years ago (!), it’s basically been a sports blog. In fact, you may notice the side bar mentioning how this blog has been nominated for “Best Sports Blog.” Well, I don’t mean to brag, but I was nominated by Peter Gammons my cousin Cara. And so far I have exactly one vote. And that’s because I voted for myself. Thanks everybody!

Anyhoo, I have been absolutely burned out from writing about sports. Don’t get me wrong -- I love sports. Always have and always will. But writing about sports -- even for a blog that nobody reads -- has become a chore. I mean, what else is there to say? There are SO many outlets now to read about sports, and almost every relevant sports topic now is draped in negativity. Much of it is speculative, voyeuristic, often pithy, and downright pointless. (I exclude myself from none of this, by the way.)

Maybe my passion was lost now that I no longer have my favorite teams to write about for the paper (and thus, the blog.) But I doubt it. I’d feel the same way if I were making Plaxico Burress jokes every week instead of Matt Leinart.

Another point, as far as this blog and the newspaper are concerned: I have received some of my best and most positive feedback on the non-sports related items I have written. People seem to like reading about family trips to Florida or how I collapsed during a road race more than Kurt Warner’s penchant for fumbling. I can take a hint.

So last week I approached my publisher with the idea of switching up the theme of my weekly column. My intention is to make it more positive, more proactive, and quite honestly, something that I can be more proud of on a different level than whether or not it’s funny. But of course, I am still going to try and make it funny, because that’s the whole point.

This may seem like a strange coincidence coming off this post, and the “media firestorm” that ensued. But to be quite honest, this is a change I have been thinking about for a while now. Sure, maybe the feedback on that post was what spurned me to action. Actually, it probably was. Nevertheless, this has been something I have wanted to do for some time.

Oh, and not to worry -- the Classic Cards will still be in full effect. Thems my favoritest.

So anyhoo, from this point forward, the weekly columns are going to be different. If you feel so inclined, let me know what you think. It’s going to be a gradual process, but hopefully I’ll eventually be able to find my niche.
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