Preparations are underway in the rain for the Toronto Freedem Festival kick off event to be held today (Monday April 20, 2009) from Noon to 8pm on April 20, 2009 at Yonge-Dundas Square. The Festival itself will be held at Queen's Park North on Saturday May 2, 2009 (Noon to 8pm - Free Admission - rain or shine).

Festival Co-founders Neev and Gavin at the kickoff.
The festival hopes to promote the freedom to choose and legalized Marijuana and bills itself as "Toronto's little festival that could".
Saturday's main event is expected to draw over 25,000 to a day of celebration, voices, music and creative arts as well as a Global Marijuana March (GMM) starting and ending at Queen's Park and traveling along Bloor Street, Yonge Street and Wellesley Street.
A gathering of protesters also chose April 20, 2009 to stage an awakening at College Park at 420 Yonge Street. Hampered by the rain participants try to keep dry under the pine trees.