Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis sat down with Elle to promote their upcoming movie “Friends with Benefits.” The film will be out in theaters July 22. Here are some highlights the co-stars had in the Elle Interview:
ELLE: Playing friends with benefits, what was your costar most self-conscious about while shooting the nude scenes?
MK: [To Justin] You’ve got a fine ass. I was self-conscious about a lot of things. Show me one girl who isn’t.
JT: I’ll be honest and say, like, I’m still trying to get into the editing room and cut down on my ass time. I’m like, “Oh my God, my mom’s gonna see that!”ELLE: “Friends with benefits”: a good idea or a bad idea?
JT: [Smiles] It is such a good idea—until it’s a bad idea.
MK: I concur. Ultimately, it ends when someone wants to go and get serious with somebody. More times than not, a person catches feelings and somebody gets hurt.ELLE: Earth to Justin… Perfect first date?
JT: Something more simple than extravagant. Scrabble.
MK: Monopoly.
JT: Scrabble’s a good date. If she can’t spell, I don’t want to hangout with her. So that’s a good test.
MK: I can’t spell at all. [To Justin] Now we’ll never be friends.
Check out more photos of the two below!