The street course race track is located within Toronto's Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) grounds and along Lakeshore Boulevard. Here is a larger map with more detail of the race grounds. Note: The turn 7 entrance and bridge have been removed, the north entrance has been removed and the west bridge entrance over Lake Shore Boulevard has been removed.

Public Transit
GO Transit
Take the Lakeshore GO Train to the Exhibition station. GO Trains on the Lakeshore line take you right to the CNE gates.
From Union Subway Station: take the 509 Harbourfront Streetcar West.
From Bathurst Subway Station: take the 511 Bathurst Streetcar South.
From Dufferin Subway Station: take the 29 Dufferin Bus South.
From Dundas West Subway Station: take the 193 Exhibition Rocket.
For more TTC information call (416) 393-INFO or visit the TTC website.
Free TTC ride home with Honda Indy Toronto ticket
From a recent CNW Group news release...
"Budweiser - which is hosting the King of Parties at the Indy - is
committed to providing Indy fans with a safe way home and has partnered with the TTC to give ticket holders a free ride from the race. All Indy goers can present their ticket stubs at Exhibition Stadium-area TTC stops from 3:15 p.m.
- 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 12 to receive a free ride on the Red Rocket." Way to go Labatts and TTC.